Convict ships to New South Wales
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Resources regularly compile Convict Ship pages:
Various nineteenth Century British Library magazines readily available via nationwide Library of Australia eResourses ( see Cora Num's website for instructions to access)
Lesley Uebel's Port Jackson Convict Anthology
UNITED KINGDOM Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011. Initial data: Admiralty and predecessors: workplace for the director-general associated with healthcare Department of Navy and predecessors: healthcare Journals (ADM 101, 804 packages and amounts). Records of healthcare and prisoner-of-war Departments. Documents for the Admiralty, Naval Forces, Royal Marines, Coastguard, and related bodies. The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.
Historic Records of brand new Southern Wales Vols. 1 - VII
Historical Documents of Australian Continent Series 1
The Convict Ships - Charles Bateson
Martin money: their private narrative as a Bushranger in Van Diemens Land
Bound For Botany Bay: Narrative of a voyage in 1798 Aboard the Death Ship Hillsborough - Frank Clune
A Narrative of a Voyage to brand new South Wales, around 1816, inside ship Mariner, describing the character of the Accommodations, Stores, Diet &c., with a free account of hospital treatment &c." by John Haslam in John Croaker: convict Embezzler: John Booker and Russell Craig.
Ancestry.com. New South Wales, Australia, Colonial Secretary's Papers, 1788-1825 [database on-line].
Musters and other reports concerning convict boats. Series CGS 1155, Reels 2417-2428. State Records Authority of New South Wales. Kingswood, New Southern Wales, Australia
Rude, George F.E. Protest and Punishment: The Story associated with the Social and Political Protesters Transported to Australian Continent, 1788-1868
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