
House for New South Wales

House for New South Wales

June 21, 2017
Government House may be the Official abode and Office of their Excellency…
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Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales

Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales

May 15, 2017
Our history as an organisation goes to 1980, when we were established whilst…
new website

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New South Wales Parliament House

New South Wales Parliament House

May 12, 2017
Parliament House Image: Patty Mazza The reason why get there An increasing colony needed a medical center so Governor Macquarie in…

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New build House South Wales

New build House South Wales

October 20, 2016
In Australian Continent, it is estimated that over 60percent of all of the manufacturing and 90per cent of usage of asbestos fiber…

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New House South Wales

New House South Wales

December 1, 2015
© McDonald Jones Homes - one of Australia s largest and most respected home builders. Building new homes / project homes in Sydney…

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New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation

New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation

February 11, 2017
Landcom ended up being previously the main division of Housing (today NSW Land and Housing Corporation from 1986). It is currently…

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House for in New South Wales Australia

House for in New South Wales Australia

December 22, 2016
Sydney Opera House residence found on ( Harbour), . Its special usage of a number of gleaming white sail-shaped shells as its roofing…

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